Wednesday, 11 September 2013

Guess who's back?

I am finally writing a new post.........and if I was a dog I'ld have my tail between my legs right now.

Life has been crazy and so much has happened the past few months I don't even know where to start from!

Bottomline is I finally braced myself and decided to blog. I have come to the point where I think I need to blog. Need an outlet to stay sane.

When I started this, I had no idea what I was doing or what I was going to write. One year later it feels like I'm all grown up (yeah, right!). Like I'm a growwwwwwwwwwwwwn womble! And maybe that will be reflected here, we'll see.

Hopefully the past year has taught me a few things.

I'll just write as I go along. Write what I feel like and maybe share a few womble survival tips.

If I didn't do this today, I don't know if I ever will :)

I've logged in so many times and stopped short of posting an new entry.

It's taken a while, lots of tears, disappointments, fears and heck I've been rendered homeless at some point but guess what......I'm back in the building!

Speak soon lovelies! Love you much and missed this! Missed you! :)

Lady Womble


  1. Hey Lady Womble. Just thought I'd stop by to see how you're doing and it seems a lot's been going on for you. I'm sure you've learned much since then and I'm looking forward to hearing all about it. Next time you log in, then please leave a post and press 'publish'. I'll pop by later. Enjoy the rest of your week.
