My darlings! I think I am doing quite well as per my resolve to eat more. It is therefore with great pleasure and a rotund belly that I scribble this post.
First up! My recipe! Yes! Lol. I measured for you all today. It's not that bad, just wierd. I worked with ingredients I have never used before and to be honest, it was fun. I believe the secret of good cooking is - Let your imagination lead the way........and if everything goes horribly wrong, do what I do - don't tell anyone about it *hehehe
You will need
200g of Lentils
2 decent sized Zuchinis or Courgettes (Medium to Large)
1 decent sized Aubergine (Medium to Large)
4 large tomatoes or 8 small ones, diced
1 tablespoon of Vegetable oil
3 onions (1 red and 2 white) - sliced, diced or both
2 cloves of fresh garlic
20g of grated ginger if fresh. If frozen, 2 blocks
150g dessicated or grated coconut
2 litres of hot water or stock
2 teaspoons of Soy sauce
Fresh chilli or dried chilli flakes (optional)
Rice to serve (optional)
This recipe is for 4 portions if eaten alone and 8 if served with rice.
Measure out your lentils, rinse and boil in water till soft. I cooked at high heat for 10 mins and left to simmer for 35mins whilst i got up to other things |
I can'r get over the beauty of this veg! Lol. |
Heat your oil in a pot. I don't have my large pots here so used a pan |
Pour in your onions |
Add your ginger and garlic. I am using frozen ginger. Leave to fry for 5 mins |
Pour in your Lentils |
Add your coconut and pour in your stock or hot water. Stir |
Leave to boil for 5minutes |
Pour in your diced Aubergine. I diced this just before I put it in as they tend to discolour quickly once exposed to air |
Stir and leave to boil for 10minutes. At this point, I had to change my pan as my dish outgrew the first. Lol |
Add your tomatoes |
Add your diced Zuchini (Courgette) |
Add your Soy sauce |
Sprinkle in your chilli if using |
Stir and add salt to taste. Leave to simmer for 10 mins |
served mine with rice although on hindsight, I shouldn't have. Lol. the dish is filling on it's own and I am stuffed! |
Serve after a boss :-D
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