Teach him how to fish and you have fed him for a lifetime." - Chinese Axiom
I don't like when people 'eye' my fish. You know.......looking at my fish, sizing it up, doing the maths in their heads and working out how to get it. Yes, that one. Giving my fish the 'eye' and hoping it will fall for their seductive call, jump off my plate and land on theirs. PAH!
Is this a rant? No my darlings. Wombles don't rant. Why should we? Rather, this is an expression of my recent observations and to put things in perspective, please come with me ........
I recently advertised scholarship opportunities on behalf of a University. What University? Mine? Does it really matter darling? Do we really care? University or not, what matters is I am a Womble, you are reading this, the world goes round and boy is it cold or what!
Anyway, I advertised and in minutes my inbox was flooded with people sending me their resumes. Please note, it was a University advert and I did not give too much detail as I wanted only interested parties to 'apply within'.
I spent the greater part of that night asking all my respondents what exactly they sent in their resumes for. Behold some of the replies - 'I don't know. my friend said you are recruiting. Please help!!!'......Err, ok........(nervous gulp)
After shortlisting my candidates (I wish. Lol), I went on to ask the golden question - What course are you looking to study? I wasn't expecting the vague replies I got back - 'Anything in Science'....... 0.O
Days later, we were finally on the same page and I sent links of all the opportunities available with this message 'Please have a look for which of these you wish to apply for and let me know'......How long ago was that? 2 weeks. How many replies have I gotten back? - None, Nil, Nada, Zitch.
Now let's analyse this in Womblespeak. Everyday, we have people moaning about how they don't have any fish. The ocean is empty and anyone who has a fish must have some dodgy uncle who is friends with the captain of the only fishing trawler that operates in the ocean on the other side of wombleville where mere
We complain about the world and how nothing works and how there are no jobs, no opportunities and the lines of segregation keep getting thicker. Ok. Accepted. But do we realise that nothing works unless we work it? The moment we snap out of the illusion that the world owes us something, the better. The world was here first. If anything, we owe it. For all the trees we have used and will use in our lifetime - in the loo, for books, for furniture....the list is endless. For all the food we have eaten and will eat in our life time - the earth provided the basis of all these. For all the electricity we use and will use in our life time - the earth powers this in one form or the other. For all the times we fail to recycle, throw our rubbish on the floor while we are out and about, shop for things we don't really need that end up in landfill........
I love having my fish. I worked hard to catch it and it will remain on my plate, thank you. I do not regard this as selfish and that is why I'ld rather teach you to fish than give you mine to be fed for a day....Question is, are we willing to learn?
With Love,
Lady Womble xx
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My fineeeeee fish! (Web Image) |
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