Sunday 9 September 2012

London a la Golden Tours

Yesterday, I spent the entire day in London. I booked a place on the London by Night Open bus tour (Golden Tours). This usually costs £16 but I got it off Wowcher for £8 at 50% off.

I spent all week excited and looking forward to it and I will like to share my experience.

Getting to the venue was quite straightforward as the pick-up point is close to the Victoria underground station. I took the District line to Victoria station and experienced some delays. Getting to the station at  8:00pm, I rang the office to explain that I was running late as we were due to depart at 8:00pm! Since the description I got over the phone was quite vague, it took me 15minutes to get there and the bus driver was waiting as promised over the phone.

The top of the bus was full as was expected so I settled for the lower deck which was practically empty. During the tour, I was unable to take good shots as the driver whizzed throught the City. Overall, we drove past lots of landmark locations as promised but there was practically no stopping except at traffic lights. The tour was over after 1hr and 20 minutes and I admit, I did not have the best seat in the house. In my opinion, this was a nice experience and you can get some nice shots -  if you get a seat on top. I would recommend it for anyone who wants to see key parts of London at night and at half price, it's a steal. However, I believe the beauty of a tour is being able to linger at places that catch your interest.

At the end of the day, the choice is entirely yours :)

Here are some of the shots I got - through the window!

Always start the day with a hearty meal! (Let me know if you want the recipe)
First Picture through the window, the lights were on and when we asked, the Tour guide kindly turned it off. Everyone was so nice!

First shot of London Eye

Better View!

I like this motion shot a lot!

This time I had a black car driving past

Quite impressed with this actually, I could read the building name

Lovely Apartment building!

I kept this shot because of the motion

Through a window - is it obvious?

These atheletes are so inspiring, I had to take this shot, I was enthralled....

Piccadilly Baby!

Back at the station, heading home.......

I always love the adverts in the underground

What I am reading tonight

Worn while in London - Earring from Debenhams £6, Ring from Dorothy Perkins £8.50

I need to study my camera and maximise it's potential

Dress I wore on trip to London. Head turner - Warehouse £75

Web Image of my dress from Warehouse online

1 comment:

  1. Best informative post of London a la Golden Tours
